Adopting an Integrated ‘Security’ Mindset

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The widespread approach of viewing cybersecurity and fraud prevention in silos is steadily giving way to addressing them as issues under the broader umbrella of security. As cyberattacks cripple hundreds of businesses, how can you ensure your business is equipped with safety measures to stay adequately protected?

The answer lies in a mindset shift that enhances the fraud resistance of your system, while narrowing down the chances of security infiltration. Businesses are now recognising that they stand to incur significant losses unless they swiftly adopt integrated security measures in the prevailing risk-prone, threat-exposed environment.

An integrated approach looks at security through a systemic integrity lens, thus plugging in the inadequacies of relying heavily on customer authentication protocols. Fraudsters can easily gain access to customer login identities and authentication information simply by illegal bulk purchases in the market, leading to account takeovers and fraudulent transactions.

A robust fraud detection mechanism would therefore be tasked with monitoring customer transactions even after the initial authentication stage. Constant monitoring enables the system to detect irregularities in transactions and raises an alarm when potential threats are detected. This is where SignetCloud’s interoperable modular designs integrate seamlessly, making the end-to-end safety of your business processes a priority. Our platform is bolstered by AI technology and allows you to employ a progressive, multi-layered security system which detects, prevents, and protects you and your users from real-time threats of fraud and cybercrime. You can make the mindset switch simply by booking a SignetCloud demo today.

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