How Do You Ensure People Are Who They Say They Are?

Ai hand representing fraud detection.

We live in times where this question has become relevant across the board, in all aspects of life – in interpersonal relationships, educational institutions, workplaces, financial services, sports arenas, entertainment industries, and social media networks.

For businesses, verification is the process of authenticating the identity of customers, to ensure that the information provided simply adds up - is valid and legitimate. While email, address, and phone verification are primary verification methods, advanced processes include multi-factor authentication, knowledge-based authentication, one-time password, online ID verification, face verification, and prompt validation.

With the rise of security breaches, fraudulent activities, identity theft, and scams, companies and organizations are responding urgently by tightening verification systems, and installing customized, fit-to-purpose platforms which allow them to breathe easy. A platform that allows you to design what you deem is best for your unique requirement will, no doubt, trump over others which have a prescribed functionality.

And this is what we call the advantage – a verification platform that allows you to seamlessly deploy the modules of your choice in your customer onboarding process. The elements of the platform are coherently unified to ensure products and workflows communicate and exchange data without format compatibility issues. You can accelerate customer reach, scope markets, collect feedback, and analyze your customers.

So, the time of reckoning for your customer identity verification software is here, and you want to choose one which could be a smart pivot to your business. One that will enable you to verify customers worldwide, offer real-time verification, provide geolocation services, and most importantly, customization. Connect with a business value like SignetCloud and make verification faster, reliable, and easier for you and your customers.

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